Charterhouse Pre-School is an inclusive early years setting and offers the following range of provision to support children with SEND to meet their individual need.  We have an SEND Information Report, detailing our provisions and actions, which is available on request.

Who should I contact to discuss the concerns or needs of my child?

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) – The SENCo is responsible for co-ordinating the setting’s SEND policy and practice.  We will ensure the setting is fully inclusive, and that any children with additional needs will access the support they need to fulfil their potential, and also provide support for the family.

Assessment, Planning and Review:

How can I find out how well my child is doing?
Parents are able to speak to their child’s key workers or the pre-school managers at any time.  Before a child turns 3 years old, we produce an ‘Age 2 Progress Check’ sheet.  We produce a termly ‘Summary Sheet’ for parents to see their child’s progress, and they can complete a section to share information with us.  Each term we produce tracking sheets which shows the levels children are achieving in all aspects of the seven areas of learning and development.  Parents are consulted when Individual Education Plans are written and reviewed.  
How will my child be supported with their development/medical/physical needs?
Before a child starts with us we assess their needs and aim to have any necessary support in place.  We work with many other professionals and maintain close contact with them when appropriate.  We provide one to one support when needed.  Where appropriate we will activate an EHC plan.   
What additional services/equipment  are provided for my child with special educational needs and disabilities?
All our facilities, indoors and outdoors, are wheel chair accessible, and there are disabled toilet facilities.  We use visual timetables and have numerous other signs throughout the premises.  We will make every effort to adapt or change the environment to ensure a child is fully included in all activities.   
What specific experience do we have within the staff team in respect of SEND?
All staff are first aid trained and have undertaken training in numerous different areas of SEND.  We will seek further training if necessary. 


What support from outside agencies does the setting currently use to support my child?

Early Years SEND team
Health Visitors
Speech and Language Therapists
Early Years SEN Inclusion
Team (SENIF) Physiotherapists
Educational Psychologists
Complex Communications Service                                        
Griffins Sensory Support Service
CAF team
Bromley Children Project
Social Services
Any other agencies deemed necessary  


How will my child’s transition into school be supported? We set up and/or attend transition meetings with the child’s primary school.  We invite school staff in to see children within our setting.  We arrange and attend meetings between parents and the new setting’s SENCo when appropriate. We will visit the next school with the child when necessary.  All written SEND records are passed on with parent’s permission.